OZ Express Migration

If you plan to come to Australia for work, to study or to invest, you will require to do so under a visa that bests suit the work, study or investment you intend to do, and the length for which you wish to stay in Australia.

Below is a guide to gaining employment and migration into Australia under the various skilled employment and work migration visa categories. Guide also includes the requirements for student and training visas, and business and investment visas. The various pathway requirements can change depending on the Australian government Ministerial directives and Australia’s Labour Requirements. Please consult our friendly professionals for the most updated visa requirements.



This visa is for invited workers, eligible New Zealand citizens and eligible Hong Kong or British National (Overseas) passport holders with skills Australia need, to live and work permanently anywhere in Australia, and if eligible, can become an Australian citizen. This visa is for points-tested skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer or family member or nominated by a state or territory government. There are three (3) streams for applying under this visa class including the Points Tested Stream, the New Zealand Stream and the Hong Kong Stream.

Points Tested Stream

This visa lets invited workers with skills Australia needs, to live, work and study permanently anywhere in Australia and if eligible, can become an Australian citizen. You don’t need a sponsor or nominator.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You have an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list.
  • You have a suitable skills assessmentfor the occupation.
  • You are invited to apply for this visa.
  • You are under 45 to be invited.
  • You have a competent English level.
  • You meet health and character requirements.

New Zealand Stream

This visa enables New Zealand citizens who have demonstrated commitment and contribution to Australia to live, work and study here permanently anywhere within Australia and if eligible, can become an Australian citizen.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You satisfy the income requirement.
  • You hold a New Zealand Special Category visa (subclass 444).
  • You have lived in Australia for at least the past 5 years.
  • You have started living in Australia on or before 19 February 2016.
  • You meet health and character requirements.

Hong Kong Stream

This visa lets eligible Hong Kong or British National (Overseas) passport holders who have demonstrated commitment to Australia, to live and work in Australia permanently.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You hold a Hong Kong passport or a British National (Overseas) passport.
  • You meet certain visa requirements.
  • You meet certain residence requirements.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs  


This visa enables nominated skilled workers to live, work and study in Australia as permanent residents anywhere within Australia and if eligible, can become an Australian citizen.



You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You hold an occupation that is on the relevant skilled list.
  • You have a suitable skills assessment for your occupation.
  • You are invited to apply for this visa by the State Government or nominated.
  • You meet health and character requirements.
  • You satisfy the points test.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs



This visa allows workers who hold an eligible visa and meet an income requirement to live and work in Australia permanently. This visa is for people who have lived, worked and studied in designated regional area of Australia on a previous, eligible visa. There are two (2) streams for applying under this visa class including the Regional Provisional Stream and the Hong Kong Stream.

Regional Provisional Stream

This visa allows people who have lived and worked in designated regional areas of Australia on an eligible visa, live and work in Australia permanently.

With this visa:

  • You can work and study anywhere in Australia.
  • You can sponsor eligible family members for permanent residence.
  • You can if eligible, become an Australian citizen.
  • You do not need a sponsor or nominator.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • ​​You hold an eligible visa and complied with the conditions of that visa.
  • You have lived for at least 3 years in a designated regional area.
  • You have had a taxable income at or above a specific income threshold for at least 3 years while holding your eligible visa​.

Hong Kong Stream

This visa lets eligible Hong Kong or British National (Overseas) passport holders who have demonstrated commitment to Australia, to live and work in Australia permanently.

With this visa:

  • You can work and study anywhere in Australia.
  • You can sponsor eligible family members for permanent residence.
  • You can, if eligible, become an Australian citizen.
  • You do not need a sponsor or nominator.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • ​​​​​You hold a Hong Kong passport or a British National (Overseas) passport.
  • You meet certain visa requirements.
  • You meet certain residence requirements.​

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


This visa is for workers who want to live and work in regional Australia. You can bring your family. If you are granted this visa, you might be able to apply for the Skilled Regional (Permanent) Visa (subclass 887). There are three (3) pathways for applying under this visa class including the Invited Pathway, Extended Stay Pathway and the Subsequent Entry Pathway.


Invited Pathway

This is a temporary visa. It is for skilled workers who want to live and work in regional Australia.


With this visa:

  • You can stay in Australia for 4 years.
  • You can live, work and study in a specific region of Australia.
  • You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You are nominated to apply by a state or territory government agency, or an eligible relative must sponsor you.
  • You have an occupation on a relevant skilled occupation list.
  • You have a suitableskills assessment for the occupation.
  • You satisfy the points test.

Extended Stay Pathway

This is a temporary visa. It is for skilled workers who want to live, work or study in regional Australia.


With this visa:

  • You can stay in Australia for 4 years from the date you are granted your subclass 475, 487, 495 or 496 visa.
  • You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You live, work and study in a specified regional area of Australia.
  • You have complied with the conditions of the eligible visaand you hold either of the following visa:
  • Skilled – Regional Sponsored visa (subclass 475 or 487).
  • Skilled Independent Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 495) – Closed to new applicants on 1 September 2007.
  • Skilled — Designated Area Sponsored visa (subclass 496) – Closed to new applicants on 1 September 2007.


Subsequent Entry Pathway

This visa is for a member of the family unit of someone who holds a Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) or a subclass 475, 487, 495 or 496 visa. You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid. You need to live, work and study in specified regional area of Australia.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


A visa for skilled people nominated by a state or territory government to live and work in regional Australia. This is a provisional visa. There are two (2) pathways for applying under the subclass 491 visas including the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (main applicant) and Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (subsequent entrant). Successful applicants under this visa can live and work permanently anywhere within Australia and if eligible, can become an Australian citizen.


Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa – Main applicant

This is a provisional visa. It is for skilled workers who want to live and work in regional Australia.


With this visa:

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​You can stay in Australia for 5 years.
  • You can live, work and study in a designated regional area of Australia.
  • You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want, while the visa is valid​.
  • You can apply for permanent residence after 3 years from the time your visa is granted​.



You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You are nominated to apply by a state or territory government agency, or an eligible relative must sponsor you.
  • You have an occupation on a relevant skilled occupation list.
  • You have a suitable skills assessmentfor the occupation.
  • You are invited to apply.
  • You are prepared to stay in Australia for 5 years.
  • You are nominated or sponsored.
  • You have a suitable skills assessment for your occupation.
  • You meet the English language requirements.
  • You meet the skills requirement.
  • You meet health and character requirements.
  • You are willing to live, work and study in a designated regional area of Australia.



Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa – Subsequent entrant

This visa is for a member of the family unit of someone who holds a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 491). You have to be ​​​​​​one of the members of the family unit, of a subclass 491 visa holder. With this visa you can stay in

Australia while the visa is valid. You can live, work and study in a specified regional area of Australia and travel to and from Australia as many times as you want, while the visa is valid.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


This visa enables regional employers to address identified labour shortages within their region by sponsoring skilled workers where employers cannot source an appropriately skilled Australian worker. There are three (3) streams for applying under this visa class including the Employer Sponsored Stream, the Labour Agreement Stream and the Subsequent Entrant Stream.


Employer Sponsored stream

This visa enables regional employers to address identified labour shortages within their region by sponsoring skilled workers where employers cannot source an appropriately skilled Australian worker. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


With this visa:

  • You can live, work and study only in designated regional areas of Australia.
  • You can travel to and from Australia for 5 years.
  • You can apply for permanent residence after 3 years from the time your visa is granted.



You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You are nominated by an approved work sponsor.
  • You have an occupation on a relevant skilled occupation list.
  • You have at least 3 years relevant work experience in your nominated occupation.
  • You have a suitable skills assessmentfor the occupation, unless an exemption applies.
  • You work only for your sponsor or associated entity, unless an exemption applies.
  • You are under 45 years of age, unless an exemption applies.
  • You meet the minimum standards of English language proficiency.



Labour Agreement stream

This stream is for skilled workers nominated by employers who have a labour agreement. Labour agreements are developed between the Australian Government (represented by the Department) and employers.


With this visa:

  • You can live, work and study only in designated regional areas of Australia for 5 years.
  • You can travel to and from Australia for 5 years.
  • You can if eligible, apply for permanent residenceafter 3 years from the time your visa is granted.



You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​have a labour agreement that your employer has developed with the Australian government.
  • You are nominated to work in a specified occupation under the terms of a labour agreement.
  • You have at least 3 years relevant work experience in your nominated occupation.
  • You have a relevant skills assessment, and is specified in the labour agreement.
  • You work only for your sponsor.
  • You are under 45 years of age, unless the labour agreement states otherwise.
  • You meet minimum standards of English language proficiency.



Subsequent Entrant

This visa is for members of the family unit of a Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 494) holder who are applying separately for their Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional visa and wish to join the primary Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional visa holder in Australia.


With this visa:

  • You can stay in Australia while this visa is valid.
  • You can live, work and study only in designated regional areas of Australia for up to 5 years.
  • You can travel to and from Australia for up to 5 years.



  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​This is for members of the family unit of Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional visa holders.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


This visa is for people who have lived and worked in specified areas of regional Australia on a previous eligible visa.


With this visa:

  • You can work and study anywhere in Australia.
  • You can sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence.
  • You can if eligible, apply for Australian citizenship.



You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You are in Australia.
  • You hold an eligible visaor have held an eligible visa that expired outside Australia during the concession period.
  • You have lived for at least 2 years and worked full time for at least 1 year in a specified regional area, unless COVID-19 concessions
  • You have complied with the conditions of the eligible visaand you hold either of the following visas;
  • Skilled Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 489).
  • Skilled Independent Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 495) – Closed to new applicants on 1 September 2007.
  • Skilled Designated Area Sponsored visa (subclass 496) – Closed to new applicants on 1 September 2007
  • Skilled Regional Sponsored visa (subclass 475 or 487).
  • Bridging visa A or Bridging visa B, after having made a valid application for a subclass 489, 495 or 487 visa, or where a subclass 887 visa is lodged outside Australia during the concession period, a visa mentioned above that expired during the concession period while the holder was outside Australia.
  • The person seeking to satisfy the primary criteria must also have held one of the following eligible visas for a total of 2 years before a subclass 887 visa application is made: subclass 489, 495, 496, 475 or 487 visa.
  • The eligible visa must have been granted to them on the basis of satisfying the primary criteria, or on the basis of being the spouse or de facto partner of the person who satisfied the primary criteria.

Note: The person seeking to satisfy the primary criteria in this application will be the person who seeks to meet the 887 work and residence requirements.

  • Meet health and character requirements.







For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs



This visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer, live and work in Australia permanently. There are three (3) streams for applying under this visa class including the Direct Entry stream, the Labour Agreement or the Temporary Residency Transition stream. All streams result in permanent residency.

Direct Entry stream

This visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by an employer, live and work in Australia permanently.

With this visa:

  • You can live, work and study in Australia indefinitely.
  • You can sponsor eligible family members to come to Australia.
  • You can apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • Y​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ou are nominated by an Australian employer.
  • Your occupation is on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations.
  • You have a competent English level.
  • You have at least 3 years relevant work experience, unless you are exempt.
  • You have a positive skills assessment, unless you are exempt.

Labour Agreement stream

This visa lets skilled workers who are nominated by their employer, live and work in Australia permanently. The Labour Agreement stream might be for you if you currently work, or will work, for an employer who must have a labour agreement.

With this visa:

  • You can live, work and study in Australia indefinitely.
  • You can sponsor eligible relatives to come to Australia.
  • You can apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You currently work, or will work, for your nominating employer who is party to a labour agreement.
  • You have the necessary skills for the occupation.
  • You must meet age, health and character requirements.
  • You meet the English competency requirements.

Temporary Residence Transition Stream

This visa allows skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer in regional Australia, to live and work in Australia permanently.

With this visa:

  • You can live, work and study in Australia indefinitely.
  • You can sponsor eligible family members to come to Australia.
  • You can apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You have been nominated by an Australian employer whose nomination was approved in the 6 months before you apply.
  • You are the holder of;
  • A Temporary Skill Shortage TSS Visa (subclass 482) or
  • A Temporary Work Skilled Visa (subclass 457) or
  • A related associated Bridging Visa.
  • You have worked for your employer for at least;
  • 3 out of the previous 4 years in the same position that they have nominated for you.
  • 2 out of the 3 previous years, if the transition arrangements apply because you either held, or were an applicant for a subclass 457 visa on 18 April 2017.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


This visa allows skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer in regional Australia, to live and work in Australia permanently. There are two (2) streams for applying under this visa class including the Direct Entry Stream and the Temporary Residence Stream.

Direct Entry Stream

This visa is closed to new applicants and is currently under review.

With this visa:

  • You can live, work and study in Australia indefinitely.
  • You can sponsor eligible family members to come to Australia.
  • If eligible, become an Australian citizen.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You have an occupation on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations.
  • You have an Australian employer nominating you to work in a position in regional Australia.
  • Depending on your occupation, demonstrate you have at least 3 years of relevant work experience.
  • Depending on your occupation, undergo a skill assessment.
  • You are under 45 years of age.
  • You meet the English competency requirements.
  • You agree to remain employed with your nominating employer in regional Australia for a minimum of 2 years.

Temporary Residence Transition Stream

This visa allows skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer in regional Australia, to live and work in Australia permanently.

With this visa:

  • You can live, work and study in Australia indefinitely.
  • You can sponsor eligible family members to come to Australia.
  • You can apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • Your employer nominates you and wishes to sponsor you for a permanent residence.
  • You must be under 45 years of age.
  • You meet the skills, qualifications and English language requirements.
  • You are the holder of;
  • A Temporary Skill Shortage TSS visa (subclass 482) or
  • A Temporary Work Skilled Visa (subclass 457) or
  • A related associated Bridging Visa.
  • You have worked for your employer for at least;
  • 3 out of the previous 4 years in the same position that they have nominated for you.
  • 2 out of the 3 previous years, if the transition arrangements apply because you either held, or were an applicant for a subclass 457 visa on 18 April 2017.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


The highly specialised work stream of this temporary visa lets you do short term, highly specialised work in Australia. It is suitable if you have specialised skills, knowledge or experience not generally available in Australia.

With this visa:

  • You can work in a highly specialised job and the work or activity must be non-ongoing.
  • You can be granted for up to 6 months stay (depending on the circumstances). Generally, for a stay period longer than 3 months, a strong business case must be provided with the application. You cannot apply for this visa in Australia or stay longer by extending this visa.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if:

  • You have highly specialised skills, knowledge or experience that can help Australian businesses. Skills and knowledge or experience which cannot reasonably be found in Australia.
  • You only do the work or activities for which your visa was granted.
  • You are required in Australia for exceptional circumstances of national importance, such as to assist following a natural disaster.
  • You must be outside Australia when you apply for this visa at the time your visa application is decided.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


A temporary visa to work in specific circumstances that improve Australia’s international relations. There are five (5) streams for applying under this visa class including the Government Agreement stream, Foreign Government Agency stream, Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular) stream, Privileges and Immunities stream and Pacific Australia Labour Mobility stream.

Government Agreement stream

This visa stream allows a person to work in Australia under the terms and conditions of a bilateral agreement between the Australian Government and a government of another country. You can apply for the visa in or outside Australia via the online process.

With this visa:

  • You can be engaged under the terms and conditions of a bilateral agreement between the Australian Government and a government of another country.
  • You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while your visa is valid.
  • You can stay in Australia for up to 2 years.
  • You must comply with licensing or registration requirements as part of your employment.
  • You must be supported by the signatories to the agreement.

Foreign Government Agency stream

This visa stream lets you come to Australia for specific activities.

You could work in Australia employed by a foreign government as a foreign language teacher in an Australian school or as a representative of a foreign government agency. You can represent a foreign government but you will not be given an official status in Australia by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). You can apply for the visa in or outside Australia via the online process, but not at immigration clearance.

With this visa:

  • You can work as an employed representative of a foreign government agency, foreign diplomatic or consular mission or international organisation recognised by Australia.
  • You can work as a foreign language teacher employed by a foreign government in an Australian school and must be supported by an Australian school.
  • You must be supported by the government agency.
  • You can represent a foreign government but you will not be given an official status in Australia by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
  • You can stay until the time we specify in your visa grant notice, which may be up to 4 years.

Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular) stream

This visa stream lets a person aged 18 years or older do temporary full-time domestic work in Australia in the household of someone who holds a Diplomatic (Temporary) visa (subclass 995). You can work in Australia in line with Australian employment conditions for the time your employer is posted to Australia. You must be outside Australia the first time you apply and your first visa is usually valid for a stay of up to 12 months. A further subsequent visa is usually valid for the length of your employer’s posting to Australia.

With this visa:

  • You can work in Australia for the time your employer is posted to Australia.
  • You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while your visa is valid.
  • You can be in or outside Australia when you apply for subsequent Domestic Worker visas.

Privileges and Immunities stream

This visa stream lets you come to Australia if you have, or expect to have, privileges and immunities under relevant legislation. You can stay in Australia on this visa while you are working as an international representative. You need a letter of support from the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT). You can stay for the time we specify in your visa grant letter. This is usually the time you are an international representative with the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

With this visa:

  • You can work in Australia as an international representative.
  • You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while your visa is valid.

Pacific Australia Labour Mobility stream

This visa stream lets you come to Australia to participate in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme. You must be a citizen and resident of a specified Pacific Island country; Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

With this visa:

  • You can work in Australia for a Temporary Activities Sponsor approved by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to participate in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme.
  • You can be employed in a contract of short term (seasonal) work for up to 9 months.
  • You can be employed in a contract of long term (non-seasonal) work for up to 4 years.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


This visa allows you to come to Australia to do specific types of works on a short-term, temporary basis. You have the skills to undertake the activity to be carried out in Australia, be supported or sponsored and meet additional requirements of the relevant stream. There are ten (10) eligible streams for applying under this visa.  


Australian Government Endorsed Events

This temporary visa lets you come to Australia to participate in events which are endorsed by the Australian Government. It is only for participation in certain events that have been endorsed by the Australian Government. You can stay in Australia for the duration of the event, or up to 4 years.


Special Program

This visa lets you stay in Australia to take part in an approved special program. Special programs can include youth exchange, cultural enrichment or community programs, school language assistants or “gap year school volunteering “.

Take part in a special program in Australia to exchange culture, knowledge and social experiences. Stay in Australia for usually up to 12 months with members of your family unit. Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not at immigration clearance.


Religious Work

This visa lets you do full-time religious work for a religious institution in Australia. You and your family who apply for the visa with you can stay here for up to 2 years. Do full-time religious work to serve a religious institution in Australia.

Stay in Australia for up to 2 years with members of your family unit. Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not at immigration clearance.


Research activities

This visa lets you observe or take part in a research project at a research or tertiary institution in Australia. You and your family who apply for the visa with you can stay here for up to 2 years. Observe or take part in an Australian research project. Stay in Australia for up to 2 years with members of your family unit. Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not at immigration clearance.


Invited for other social and cultural activity (Invited Participant)

This visa lets you come to Australia if you are invited to participate in a community based event, including sporting events. You and your family who travel on this visa with you can stay here for up to 3 months. You must have been invited to take part in a community based event in Australia. You can apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not at immigration clearance.


Sporting Activities

This visa allows you to play, coach, instruct or adjudicate for an Australian team, or do high level sports training with a sporting organisation. You and your family can stay in Australia for up to 2 years. You can apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not at immigration clearance.


Entertainment Activities

This temporary visa lets you come to Australia to work in the entertainment industry on film, television or live productions as a performer, production or support staff. You can include family members in your visa application. You can stay in Australia for up to 2 years with members of your family unit. You can apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not at immigration clearance.


Superyacht Crew

This visa lets you work in Australia as a crew member of a superyacht. You can stay here for up to 12 months. You can apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not at immigration clearance.


Exchange Arrangements

This visa lets you come to Australia as part of a staff exchange with an Australian organisation. You and your family members who travel here on the visa with you can stay for up to 2 years. You can apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not at immigration clearance.


Domestic work for executives

This visa lets you come to Australia to do full-time domestic work in the household of certain senior foreign executives. You and members of your family unit can stay here for up to 2 years. You can apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not at immigration clearance.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


This temporary visa lets an employer sponsor a suitable skilled worker to fill a position they cannot find a suitable skilled Australian to fill. The visa allows holders to work in Australia provided that there is a nominated occupation by an approved employer. TSS visa holders can work in Australia in their nominated occupation for their approved sponsor under one of these three (3) streams; Short term stream, Medium term stream and Labour agreement stream.


Basic Eligibility;

  • Be nominated to work in an occupation on the list of eligible short term, medium, long term skilled occupations or under the terms of a labour agreement.
  • Have at least 2 years relevant work experience in your nominated occupation or a related field.
  • Have a relevant skills assessmentif this is required for your occupation.
  • Work only for your sponsor or associated entity, unless you are exempt.
  • Meet minimum standards ofEnglish language proficiency unless you are exempt from needing to show this.

Short Term Stream

This visa enables employers to address labour shortages by bringing in skilled workers where employers cannot source an appropriately skilled Australian worker. This stream is available if your employer wishes to sponsor you (as an overseas skilled worker) on a temporary basis only in occupations listed on the skilled priority occupation list.


With this visa:

  • You can stay for up to 2 years or up to 4 years if an International Trade Obligation (ITO) applies. Hong Kong passport holders may stay up to 5 years.
  • You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid.
  • You can if eligible, apply for permanent residence.
  • Eligible 457 and TSS short term stream visa holders will be able to apply through the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) and Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream.

Medium Term Stream

This visa enables employers to address labour shortages by bringing in skilled workers where employers cannot source an appropriately skilled Australian worker. This stream is available if your employer wishes to sponsor you (as an overseas skilled worker) on a temporary basis only in occupations listed on the skilled priority occupation list.


With this visa:

  • You can work in Australia for up to 4 years or up to 5 years if you are a Hong Kong passport holder.
  • You can study (you won’t receive government assistance).
  • You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid.
  • You can if eligible, apply for permanent residence.

Labour Term Stream

This visa is available if your employer wishes to sponsor skilled workers who have entered into a labour agreement with the Australian Government (represented by the Department) and employers. You can stay up to 4 years depending on the terms in the labour agreement. Hong Kong passport holders may stay up to 5 years.


With this visa:

  • You can work in Australia for up to 4 years for your sponsor or up to 5 years if you are a Hong Kong passport holder.
  • You can study (you won’t receive government assistance).
  • You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


A temporary visa that allows international students to live, study and work after they have finished their studies. There are four (4) streams for applying under this visa class including the Graduate Work Stream, the Post Study Work Stream, the Second Post Study Work Stream and the Replacement Stream.


Basic Eligibility;

  • You must be under 50 years of age.
  • You must hold an eligible visa.
  • You must have held a student visa in the last 6 months.
  • You must have a recent qualification in a CRICOS registered course.
  • You must nominate one stream only and it is not possible to change visa streams after you apply.
  • You must attach specified evidence when you apply.

Graduate Work Stream

This visa is for international students who have recently graduated with skills and qualifications that are relevant to specific occupations Australia needs. It lets you live, study and work in Australia temporarily. Visa is granted usually for up to 18 months. Temporarily increased to 24 months for visas granted from 1 December 2021. Hong Kong and British National (Overseas) passport holders may stay for 5 years. You can bring your family with you.


Post Study Work Stream

This visa is for international students who have recently graduated with a degree from an Australian institution. It lets you live, work and study in Australia, temporarily. Visa is granted usually between 2 and 4 years, depending on your qualification. Hong Kong and British National (Overseas) passport holders may stay for 5 years. You can bring your family with you.


Second Post Study Work Stream

This visa is for holders of a Temporary Graduate visa (first Post Study Work stream or Replacement stream) who graduated with a degree from an Australian institution located in a regional area. It lets you live, work and study in Australia, temporarily. You can bring your family with you.


You can stay between 1 and 2 years depending on;

  • The regional location of the educational institution that you graduated from that led to the grant of your first Temporary Graduate visa in the post-study work stream,
  • The regional area that you live in as the holder of your first Temporary Graduate visa in the post-study work stream, or your Temporary Graduate visa in the replacement stream.

Replacement Stream

This visa is for current and former Temporary Graduate visa holders who lost time on their original visa due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. It lets you live, work and study in Australia temporarily. You can stay between 18 months to 5 years. You can bring your family with you.


You will receive the same grant period as your previous visa, with the exception of:

  • If you were previously granted a Post Study Work visa for 2 years as a result of your Masters qualification, you will now receive 3 years
  • If you were previously granted a Graduate Work Stream visa for 18 months, you will now receive 2 years. This is a temporary measure. Applicants should check the current period that applies when they lodge their application.
  • Hong Kong and British National (Overseas) passport holders may stay for 5 years.




For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


Applying for a student visa to come to Australia.

​​Attach a Confirmation of Enro​lment with the correct start date

  • If you want to apply for a student visa you need to attach a current Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) with the date your course starts to your ImmiAccount.
  • If the course start date has passed, you must submit an updated CoE​ with the new course start date. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will get a visa decision.

Provide translated copies of all documents​

  • If any of your required documentation is not in English, you will need to include a translation as well as a copy of the original. Each translated document must include in English the translator’s:
  • Full name, address and telephone number
  • Qualifications and experience in the language they are translating.
  • If you use a translator in Australia, they must be accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters.​
  • Make sure you opt-in to receive electronic communications from us when you apply for a visa through ImmiAccount.

Check the format of your date of birth

  • ​​Make sure you have entered your date of birth in dd/mm/yy format.

Get your health assessment done quickly

  • You may receive a message in your ImmiAccountasking you to get a health assessment to make sure you meet Australia’s health requirements. If you complete your health assessment quickly you will get a faster decision on your visa application.

Complete your biometrics quickly

  • Once you have submitted your visa application, check your ImmiAccountregularly to see if you need to provide us with more information, such as biometric data (photo and fingerprints).
  • If you have been asked for biometric data, you need to do this as soon as possible so your visa application is not delayed.
  • You may have to travel some distance to a nominated biometric collection centre. Start arranging to get your biometric data collected as soon as you receive the request.​

Submit additional information if you are under 18

  • If you are applying for a student visa and are under 18 years old, you must include as part of your student visa application:
  • Details or documentation showing your parent/s or guardian consent to you coming to Australia to study.
  • Information about the arrangements that have been made for your welfare in Australia (such as living arrangements and guardianship).
  • Details and documents that identify your parents or legal guardians (such as your birth certificate or proof of guardianship).
  • For more information see Subclass 500 Student visa -​ Step by step.​


If you are accompanying a student who is under 18

  • If you are applying for a visa to accompany and care for a student under 18 years old, you will need to prove that you have enough money to support both of you. You will need to attach a document such as a current bank statement to ImmiAccount.
  • For more information see Subclass 590 Student Guardian visa – Step by Step​.

​Check your ImmiAccount regularly. ​We will send you requests for further information to ImmiAccount. ​​If you respond quickly, you will get a faster visa decision. You can also check the status of your application in ImmiAccount.​

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


This visa allows you to own and manage a business in Australia, conduct business and investment activity in Australia or undertake an entrepreneurial activity in Australia. There are seven (7) streams for applying under this visa including the Business Innovation Stream, Investor Stream, Significant Investor stream, Business Innovation Extension stream, Significant Extension Investor stream, Premium Investor stream and Entrepreneur stream.

Business Innovation stream

This provisional visa is for people with business skills. It lets you operate a new or existing business in Australia.

With this visa:

  • You can operate a new or existing business in Australia.
  • You can bring eligible members of your family with you.
  • You can apply for a permanent Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 188) in the Business Innovation stream.


  • You must score at least 65 on the points test.
  • You must provide proof of your business success (annual turnover, ownership interest).
  • You must be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency.
  • You, your partner, or you and your partner together, have total net business and personal assets of at least:
    • AUD1.25 million if you were invited to apply for this visa on or after 1 July 2021
    • AUD800,000 if you were invited to apply for this visa before 1 July 2021

Investor stream

This provisional visa requires you to invest at least AUD2.5 million in Australian investments that meet certain requirements and maintain business or investment activity in Australia.

With this visa:


  • You must be nominated by a State or Territory government agency to invest at least
    • AUD2.5 million that meets certain requirements if you were invited to apply on or after 1 July 2021.
    • AUD1.5 million in an Australian State or Territory if you were invited to apply before 1 July 2021.
  • You must score at least 65 on the points test.
  • You have net business, investment and personal assets of at least AUD2.5 million.

Significant Investor stream


This provisional visa is for people who invest at least AUD5 million in Australian investments that meet certain requirements and maintain investment activity in Australia.

With this visa:


  • You must be invited to apply for this visa.
  • You must be nominated by a State or Territory government agency or Austrade to invest at least AUD5 million that meets certain requirements and have a genuine intention to hold that investment for the life of your provisional visa.
  • You must have a genuine intention to live in the State or Territory whose government agency nominates you.

Business Innovation Extension stream

This provisional visa lets holders of a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) in the Business Innovation stream extend their stay in Australia.

With this visa:


  • You must hold, or in certain cases must have held a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) Business Innovation stream for at least three years or,
  • You must hold, or in certain cases must have held a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) Business Innovation Extension stream and not have held more than one Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) Business Innovation Extension stream visa and
  • You must be nominated by a State or Territory government agency.

Significant Investor Extension stream

This provisional visa lets holders of a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) Significant Investor stream holders extend their stay in Australia for up to 4 more years.

With this visa:


  • You must hold a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) in the Significant Investor stream and have held that visa for at least 3 years or,
  • You must hold a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) in the Significant Investor Extension stream and not have held more than one of these visas and
  • You must be nominated by a State or Territory government agency or Austrade

Premium Investor stream

This provisional visa is for people who are nominated by Austrade and who invest at least AUD15 million in Australian investments and/or philanthropic contributions.

With this visa:


  • You must be nominated by Austrade. 
  • You must be invited to apply for this visa.
  • You must invest at least AUD15 million in Australian investments and/or philanthropic contributions that meet certain requirements. 
  • You must have a genuine intention to hold the investment for the whole period of the visa (except any part of the investment that is a philanthropic contribution.

Entrepreneur stream

For startup and early-stage entrepreneurs who have been endorsed to develop their concepts and been nominated by a State or Territory government agency.

With this visa:


  • You must be nominated by a State or Territory government agency.
  • You must undertake, or propose to undertake, a complying entrepreneur activity in Australia.
  • You must show us a business plan for your entrepreneurial activity.
  • You must be competent in English.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


Global competition for talent is intensifying. That is why Australia is working to attract the best and brightest to our shores to help grow a stronger economy.

Global Talent program

The Global Talent visa is granted to those with internationally acknowledged excellence in their field. This permanent visa is tailored for exceptional individuals capable of enhancing Australia’s reputation in various sectors. It provides a migration opportunity for individuals with remarkable accomplishments, especially those leading in forward-looking industries.

This creates opportunities for Australians by:

  • Transferring skills
  • Promoting innovation
  • Creating jobs.

Australia is renowned as a lifestyle destination, celebrated for its prosperity, safety, and cultural diversity. It presents a fertile ground for innovation, bolstered by robust trading connections and a regulatory framework conducive to business growth.

For more information go to Australian Government Department of Home Affairs

Disclaimer:  All contents and material are not intended to be immigration advice and does not purport to represent all requirements for a successful application or applications. No person should act on the basis of the material contained in any post without obtaining advice relevant to their situation, and without considering and taking professional and legal advice where necessary. All opinion expressed is that of the author and nobody else.